Dónde estudiar  Mantenimiento Aeronáutico

Where to study Aeronautical Maintenance

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Before starting it is important to know the types of Training Centers that exist in the Spanish Territory, according to the EASA 147 regulation and according to the LOE/LOGSE regulation.

What is an EASA 147 Approved Aviation Maintenance Training Center?

An EASA 147 approved Aviation Maintenance training center is a center that complies with European aviation safety standards. The standards required for aeronautical maintenance training centers refer to the curriculum, the center’s facilities, and the teaching staff.

In order to verify compliance with the provisions of Part 147, these organizations will be subject to Continuous Surveillance by the competent authority. Such surveillance will be planned in a Continuous Surveillance Plan (CVP) whereby audits will be conducted to review all aspects of the organization at least once every 24 months and the organization’s Quality System at least once every 12 months.

What is an Aeronautical Maintenance Training Center LOE/LOGSE?

A LOE center is a center approved by the General Organic Law of the Educational System. It does not comply with European civil aviation standards for aircraft maintenance and is not subject to ongoing audits.

List of Training Centers

Public training centers in aeronautical maintenance:

  • Albacete Aguas Nuevas, CEFAAL
  • Illes Balears Son Sardina SON PACS
  • León, La Virgen del Camino BASIC AIR ACADEMY
  • Lugo, Lugo Las Mercedes
  • Madrid, Madrid BARAJAS
  • Teruel Teruel SEGUNDO DE CHOMÓN
  • Zaragoza, Zaragoza MIRALBUENO
  • Barcelona, Vilanova I la Geltru, EFAV

Private training centers in aeronautical maintenance:

  • Las Palmas Ingenio BINTER FORMACIÓN S.L.
  • Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Cristóbal de la Laguna INTERNATIONAL POLYTECHNICAL CENTER
  • Tenerife South, Brok-air Academy
  • Seville, ADA
  • Madrid, CITHE

You can check here the LIST OF APPROVED CENTERS 147 in Spain

The advantage between studying at an EASA 147 Approved Training Center and a LOE/LOGSE Training Center

The main advantage of studying at an EASA 147 approved center is that once the training course is completed and all the necessary modules have been passed, the student requires 2 years of experience working on civil aircraft to apply for an EASA Part 66 approved Maintenance License. In case of having studied in a Training Center according to LOE regulations, it will be necessary to demonstrate 3 years of experience working on civil aircraft to apply for a Part 66 Maintenance License.

In my personal opinion, between 3 and 2 years there is not much difference since the important thing is that you have the experience and knowledge necessary to certify maintenance work developed in civil aviation with the responsibility that goes with it.

Public and Private Aeronautical Maintenance Training Centers.

Public Centers

There is a wide variety of public training centers in Aeronautical Maintenance in Spain, usually, these courses are free or subsidized by the autonomous community where the center is located. There are two ways to access this course:


  • To be in possession of a Baccalaureate Degree.
  • To be in possession of a Technical Degree (Middle Level Vocational Training).
  • To be in possession of a Higher Technical Degree.
  • Have passed the University Orientation Course (COU).
  • To be in possession of any University Degree.

Access by entrance exam

  • To have passed the entrance exam to higher level training cycles (it is required to be at least 19 years old in the year the exam is taken or 18 years old for those who have a Technical degree).
  • To have passed the university entrance exam for students over 25 years of age.

Private centers

In order to be admitted to private schools, in general you must have a high school diploma (ESO), some will require you to have passed the Bachiller or an intermediate technical course. Prices range from 6000€ to 15000€.

If the student chooses to study in a Private Center to complete the course he/she must have passed all the modules required to obtain a Part 66 maintenance license. In case of studying in a public center the student must pass the exams of the LOE/LOGSE part in order to finish the course. Passing the exams required to obtain a maintenance license Part 66 can be done freely with a maximum term of 10 years from the initial date of the first exam.

If the student chooses to study in a Public Center it is not required to have passed all the necessary exams to apply for an aeronautical maintenance license.


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