maintenance technician

7 Exciting Careers in Aviation Maintenance and Opportunities

Aviation is an exciting field, but it’s not just limited to pilots and stewardesses. To ensure safe flights, there’s a team of maintenance professionals who play a crucial role in guaranteeing the safety and reliability of aircraft. Today we invite you to join us in exploring the different professions involved in aviation maintenance and discovering […]

7 Exciting Careers in Aviation Maintenance and Opportunities Read More »

Why Choose the FAA-A&P License to Boost Your Aviation Career ?

Career opportunities, attractive remuneration, and access to numerous opportunities in different areas of the aviation and maintenance industry. Welcome aboard on our exploration of the world of aviation engineering. Today, our destination is very special: FAA A&P training. Much more than a simple certification, it’s the passport to a wide range of opportunities and international

Why Choose the FAA-A&P License to Boost Your Aviation Career ? Read More »

What’s the Difference between EASA B1/B2 Licenses and FAA-A&P Certification for Aviation Maintenance?

For more than a century, the aviation industry has undergone significant change, giving rise to new organizations responsible for setting essential standards and regulations for the aviation sector. These world-renowned bodies include the FAA and EASA. Although FAA-A&P certification and EASA Part 66 have similar paths, there are significant differences. So let’s explore these divergences

What’s the Difference between EASA B1/B2 Licenses and FAA-A&P Certification for Aviation Maintenance? Read More »

fp aeronautica

What are the professional aeronautical training courses available on the market?

The aviation industry is one of the most exciting and challenging in the world, offering a wide range of career opportunities in areas such as mechanics, engineering, airport management, security and many more. Now, many people who are taking their first steps in the wonderful aviation world asks: “what courses can I follow to have

What are the professional aeronautical training courses available on the market? Read More »

Where to study to become an aircraft mechanic

Generally, when we talk about the world of aviation, the first jobs that come to mind are pilots, air traffic controllers or flight attendants. These are some of the professions within the world of aeronautics that stand out in front of the cameras, but what about those behind them? There is an essential figure for

Where to study to become an aircraft mechanic Read More »