
How to get your first job in aeronautical maintenance

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Aviation is a business that has not stopped growing in recent years, so if you have not yet found or are not entirely satisfied with your current job, don’t worry, there are many companies around Europe and the world willing to hire you either permanently or on a temporary contract.

What should you do to find a job in aeromechanics maintenance?

To begin with, you should have a high level of English, able to conduct an interview via telephone or Skype, being able to interpret and answer any kind of questions you may be asked. To improve your English I recommend that you sign up for a technical English program at your local language school and if you want something more specific you can look for information at, as a last option, you can travel to an English-speaking country in Europe such as England, Ireland, or Malta and take an English course and if possible find a job in aviation.

You should have a minimum of one year of demonstrable experience performing maintenance tasks on civil aircraft either Line or Base Maintenance, you must be able to demonstrate such tasks by means of a Log Book or Basic Experience Book. It is essential that the book is signed by a B1 certifier and therefore the Quality Department of the company for which you have worked. It is recommended that you obtain a course in Human Factors, Fuel Tank Safety, and EWIS.

If you don’t know where to take Human Factors, Fuel Tank Safety, and EWIS courses at a good price, write to us and we will send you a list of the best-approved websites.

What if you have no previous experience?

Don’t worry, there are always opportunities to find a job in which you can get initial experience, a good level of English is required, as I mentioned before. You must have a letter of recommendation from a teacher or professional tutor recommending you as a good student and hard worker. You should have a record of all the tasks you have performed during your vocational training course and during the internship, this record will support your resume and letter of recommendation. It is highly recommended to have an updated LinkedIn profile with a brief introduction of who you are and what you are looking for, stay active in this professional network in which you will surely find many job offers. Another SUPER recommended website is Aviationjobsearch, here you can find all the jobs related to the aeronautical sector globally, but keep in main prepare a good CV to enter fully into the market.

If you do not have professional experience, it is advisable to look for a permanent contract job in the large aeronautical maintenance centers around Europe. An important point to bear in mind is that in most cases these centers will make you a minimum three-year contract and if you break the contract you may have to compensate the company financially. The positive part of this job is that you are guaranteed a position in which you will be able to meet the minimum experience to apply for a Maintenance License as long as you have all the required exams and a Logbook with all the tasks you have performed during your work.

If you don’t find a job in any way, the most important thing is to get the first experience so be prepared to do an internship for free. Write a letter offering your services for free in exchange for professional experience, surely some companies in the aeronautical sector will admit you to their training program and if you are lucky they will even hire you. You can find the list of all centers in Spain EASA 145 here

Professional advice

If you work outside the Spanish territory do not forget to fill in your Basic experience book, it must be signed by a B1 certifier and with the approval of the quality manager of the organization where you work. You must ask the Quality Manager for your EASA Form 4 certificate, without this certificate the Spanish Agency will not recognize your Log Book and therefore you will not obtain the aeronautical maintenance license.

Would you like more personalized advice?

If you need more information about possible MRO centers where you can start your career, send us an email and we will help you find your first job, prepare you for an interview either in person or via Skype and help you create your professional CV.


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